Welcome to the World of Drizzt
This is a fan site of my favorite character who really is not recognized enough, Drizzt Do'Urden.
This site is a work in progress, in time I hope to do enough research to have a bios on every major character in Drizzt's world. So please be patient, there is a lot of history.
This site is for the fans of Drizzt Do'Urden. A thank you goes to the fans for their awesome artwork, I hope I gave proper credit to each of you.
Thanks, and please enjoy the site.
Drizzt in Dragonheir.
Being a series X gamer, I totally missed this for you PC, and phone gamers.
But there is a open world strategy role-playing game called Dragonheir: Silent Gods that added Drizzt and Guen to the game late last year. Check it out Drizzt trailer from IGN here..
Drizzt's Stats
Also Screen Rant just did an article answering the question of "How Powerful is Drizzt Do'Urden?
Find out that answer here..
And last but not least, Bleeding Cool News announced The Legend of Drizzt Trilogy of Novels are being re-released.
Read up about that here..
A Legacy of Drizzt.
Its incredible to see that there are 39 books and counting of RA Salvatore's Drizzt series.
Dungeon and Dragons Fanatics put together this list in order. Check it out here..
Drizzt and Guenhyvwer 1/4 Statue.

Just when I thought my wallet was recovering from all the MOTU products released last year. Gatherers' Tavern releases this georgous statue that even lights up on Guen. In celebration of Drizzt 35th anniversary.
Check out the details from Gatherers' Tavern here..
Drizzt in Video Games.
Here is a very cool look at an old video I stumbled across showing the history of Drizzt in Video Games from 1994 - 2020.
Video done by Jawbreaker, never too late to say thanks for the hardwork. Check it out here..
Drizzt Replaced.
Very sad to hear that our favorite D&D Character lost the chance to have his first live action appearance on the big screen.
Check out this video by The Character Sheet on ComicBook.com for that info here..
Neverwinter Northdark Reaches Interview.
Here is an Interview of RA Salvatore along with Geno Salvatore done by Design Director Randy Mosiondz and Narritive Director Winter Mullenix discussing their collaboration with the Expansion of Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches of Life."
Check out the article from Arcgames.com here..

Drizzt Returns to Hasbro.
Comic Con 2023 was last week and once more I went to IDW inquiring again on any plans they may have for drizzt in the future, but they had nothing. But to my surprise Hasbro not only have something planned, they had a small yet wonderful display of new Drizzt Merchandise. A Plushy, an Action Figure, a long wanted visual dictionary, A Drow and 35th Anniverasy inget and a set of 7 figurines. And of course Salvatore's new book "Lolth's Warrior"
But even after all that Drizzt goodness, it is not the only thing to get excited over. Drizzt is getting a Webtoon. Well, at least he is in it. As the show seems to focus on him and Cattie-Brie's daughter Brie. Who is nicknamed Breezy. So no matter what side of the fence you are on, at least we are getting a Webtoon including our favorite Drow. Check out the article from ComicBook.com here..

Photo from Wizard of the Coast.

Drizzt comes to Gamestop.
Visited my local Gamestop and was surprised to see two Drizzt items for sale there. One a Funk Pop and the other a Modern Icons Statue of him. In case you are still too scared to leave your house you can order the POP here..
And the Modern Icons Statue can be ordered here..

I literally had no idea how long it has been since I updated this site, I am sorry, but life can overtake hobbies. But had to jump on today.
As Hasbro has an online event called Hasbro Pulse Con 2020, and announced A Drizzt and Guenhyvwer action figure set.
Pre Order is only for September 25 and 26th, for $39.99 get it here..

Comic Con 2018 has come and gone. And we got a great panel with R.A. Salvatore.
Within that panel he was given Comic Cons famed yearly Inkpot award for 2018.
To top it off, fans got a free galley proof copy of Timeless signed by the man himself at the autograph booth in the Sails Pavillion.
Check out my review and pictures,here..

It's that time of the year again, and San Diego Comic Con is coming upon us. R.A. Salvatore will be there in a panel of his own 07/21/18 at Noon in Room 7AB Titled "Spotlight on R.A.Salvatore" Here is the description,
"Comic-Con special guest R. A. Salvatore (Timeless) discusses all things Drizzt Do'Urden and beyond. The legendary author talks about Epic Fantasy, The Forgotten Realms, and more. Moderated by Harper Voyager executive editor David Pomerico."
Then at 1:30-2:30pm in the Sails Pavillion He will be signing Autographs held in AA19. Hope you all get a chance to attend and meet him.

Not really any Drizzt news, but this article from Venture Beat, regarding 5 years of the game Neverwinter got me thinking. According to the article, in 5 years they have reached nearly 18 million people, now that is great. Out of that 18 million, 14 thousand people made their own Drizzt Character for the game. That is great, but for 5 years, that does not sound like that many people to warrant Drizzt having his own game, which I have been wanting for a very long time. But form your own opionions and read on.
Salvatore shared a sneak peak from his new book Timeless, by Gizmodo.com. enjoy.

Here is a fun interview of RA Salvatore going way to his bouncer days, (did not know that one.) done by the site Fantasy and Fiction.
Check out the article from them here.
Can't believe this is my first post of the year, did not realize how long it has been since I looked into news, been a very busy year. But there is news, as by now hopefully most of you may know since February Salvatore has a new Drizzt book coming out this fall titled "Timeless."It is not too late to reserve a signed copy, (shipping is planned for September 18,2018) go to his site here.

Centuries ago, in the city of Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders, the City of Drow, nestled deep in the unmerciful Underdark of Toril, a young weapon master earned a reputation far above his station or that of his poor house. The greater nobles watched him, and one matron, in particular, decided to take him as her own. She connived with rival great houses to secure her prize, but that prize was caught for her by another, who came to quite enjoy the weapon master.
This was the beginning of the friendship between Zaknafein and Jarlaxle, and the coupling of Matron Malice and the weapon master who would sire Drizzt Do'Urden.
R. A. Salvatore reveals the Underdark anew through the eyes of Zaknafein and Jarlaxle - an introduction to the darkness that offers a fresh view of the opportunities to be found in the shadows and an intriguing prelude to the intriguing escapes that lie ahead in the modern-day Forgotten Realms. Here, a father and his son are reunited and embark on adventures that parallel the trials of centuries long past as the friends of old are joined by Drizzt, Hero of the North, trained by Grandmaster Kane in the ways of the monk.
But the scourge of the dangerous Lolth's ambitions remain, and demons have been foisted on the unwitting of the surface. The resulting chaos and war will prove to be the greatest challenge for all three.

Scheduled for release February 2018, you can place your order here, and get it signed by Salvatore if you order now.
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